Concerteenies is joining forces with Sheffield City Council to celebrate the launch of their new Family Hubs, with FREE musical activities taking place throughout the afternoon of the 14th June! See below to find out what’s happening at your local Family Hub.
SHARROW FAMILY HUB (Highfield Adventure Playground) - Mambo Jambo performs for babies and their grown-ups at 13:30 and older children at 15:15.
PRIMROSE FAMILY HUB - Polly Ives, Tom Pickles and Sarah Carroll perform our Musical Story The Dinosaur Department Store. Performances at 14:00 and 15:45, with musical freeplay between.
FIRST START FAMILY HUB - Martin Harwood (guitar, fiddle, voice) performs between 13:00 and 17:30.
EARLY DAYS FAMILY HUB - Luke Carver Goss (accordion, guitar, didgeridoo, voice) performs between 15:30 and 17:30.
SHORTBROOK FAMILY HUB - James Lyons (flute, beatbox, guitar, rap) performs at 13:30 and 15:15.
DARNALL FAMILY HUB - Ruth Harness (Fun Drum) leads an interactive drumming workshop at 13:30 and 15:15.
VALLEY PARK FAMILY HUB - Becca Thompson performs between 13:00 and 17:30.
Mambo Jambo
James Lyons
Martin Harwood
Polly Ives
Tom Pickles
Ruth Harneis (Fun Drum)
Luke Carver Goss